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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) now affects at least 1 in 59 children in the U.S. Because of the prevalence of ASD, it is recommended to universally screen young children for autism so they can be diagnosed at an early age, yet there…

We are very excited to announce that PolicyLab has launched its fifth research portfolio focused exclusively on behavioral health. Recognizing behavioral health as a critical component of a child’s growth and development, we’ve…

The team here at PolicyLab just underwent a strategic planning process for our 2020-2023 fiscal years intended to identify how we can best support the tremendous growth of our research center and make further progress towards our…

Congratulations to PolicyLab researcher Rhonda Boyd, PhD, who was recently the co-recipient of the Service to SPR award from the Society for Prevention Research for her roles as co-chair of their Prevention Science’s Role in Reducing…