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A Social Network Analysis of a Multi-sector Service System for Intimate Partner Violence in a Large U.S. City

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About one in four women in the US report having experienced some form of intimate partner violence (IPV) during their lifetime and an estimated 15.5 million children live in families in which IPV occurred in the past year. Families of young children with IPV experiences often face complex needs and require well-coordinated efforts among service providers across social and health sectors. One promising partnership aims to support pregnant and parenting IPV survivors through coordination between IPV agencies and community-based maternal and early childhood home visiting programs. This study used social network analysis (SNA) to understand the interconnectedness of the system of IPV prevention and intervention for families with young children in a large US city. The SNA included 43 agencies serving this population across various service domains spanning IPV, legal, maternal and child health, and public benefit programs. 


Wang X, Matone M, Garcia SM, Kellom KS, Marshall D, Ugarte A, Nyachogo M, Bristow S, Cronholm PF