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Senate Finance Committee Request for Information: Solutions to Improve Maternal Health

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In a letter, PolicyLab responded to a U.S. Senate Finance Committee request for information seeking recommendations to improve maternal and child health in the United States. PolicyLab’s response cites extensive evidence highlighting the benefits of utilizing pediatric settings to improve maternal mental and physical health, of coordinating across health systems, and of supporting evidence-based maternal-child home visiting programs and paid parental leave.

In addition to providing recommendations, PolicyLab experts also offered their feedback on existing congressional proposals the Senate Finance Committee is considering. They expressed their support of extending Medicaid coverage for new mothers through one year after birth, and encouraged the committee to review the postpartum recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that provide new guidance emphasizing ongoing care for mothers during the “fourth trimester.”


Rubin D, Matone M, Gregory E, Boyd R, Rosenquist R, La Rochelle C