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New PolicyLab Resource Explores States’ Approaches to Sustaining HealthySteps

PolicyLab is implementing and evaluating HealthySteps, a program of ZERO TO THREE, in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s (CHOP) Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Care Network.

HealthySteps integrates a child development expert into the primary care team to promote healthy relationships, foster positive parenting, strengthen early social and emotional development, and ensure access to services that address both child and family needs. Given HealthySteps’ success and impact, a growing number of states are establishing public financing mechanisms to sustain it and Pennsylvania and other interested states can learn from these examples.

In a new white paper, we examine state funding initiatives for the program that are relevant for Pennsylvania and provide an analysis of these sustainability pathways. This resource will inform development of PolicyLab’s strategy and recommendations regarding sustaining and scaling HealthySteps in Pennsylvania, and may also be salient to other states looking to do the same.

Read the white paper here.