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Release of PolicyLab’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

PolicyLab recently underwent a centerwide strategic planning process for the 2023-2026 calendar years to identify how we can best support the individuals who make up our research center and make further progress towards our mission. The plan we developed outlines the center’s vision and three-year strategic priorities, which focus on conducting high-impact research, fostering a more inclusive and equitable working environment, increasing our capacity to create meaningful policy change and maintaining strong partnerships with key stakeholders.

While the past few years have presented unprecedented difficulties to both research operations and optimal health outcomes for children, teens, and families, our center’s interdisciplinary model and priorities from our 2019-2022 strategic plan were a successful roadmap as we sought to address the drivers of child and family health challenges that were both caused and intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why for the 2023-2026 calendar years, we’re excited to continue focusing on the priorities that guided us the past three years, centering our research and operations in equity and inclusion and strengthening our engagement with partners. 

Upon reviewing our plan, please reach out to myself or PolicyLab Director Dr. David Rubin to discuss new or continuing areas for collaboration.