The federal government recently signaled its commitment to prioritizing domestic violence prevention by creating a new Office of Family Violence…
Nutrition security, or consistent and equitable access to nutritious foods, is ever important. One bright spot on this issue is the growing attention…
The pioneers of Social Work in medical settings focused on the importance of human relationships, individual patient/family needs, and the social…
With more than 8 million children in the U.S. living with a parent with opioid use disorder (OUD), systems of care to promote stability and well…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the 2021 Youth Risk Behavioral Survey report, stating teen girls and LGBQ+*…
With growing interest in using health care settings to identify unmet social needs and connecting families to resources, there is a necessary…
Rates of fruit and vegetable consumption are particularly poor among children from low-income families. Low intake of fruits and vegetables can be a…
As pediatricians, we know the burden that food allergies place on families all too well. We meet children scared of attending birthday parties out of…
I’m excited to share that PolicyLab recently launched the Community Partnerships in Research Program, which funds community-engaged research…
Elizabeth Brico’s home is adorned with art made by her two young daughters—sequins, goopy glue and bright colors. Her two daughters, however, are…
Headlines over the past 20 years have signaled ever-increasing recognition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Now, in a new article published in…
Approximately 28 million children in the United States live in families with low incomes, many of whom experience other challenges such as food…
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