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Reducing Disparities in Behavioral Health Treatment in Pediatric Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Partnering to Achieve School Success (PASS) to Usual ADHD Care for Children Ages 5 to 11 – Study Protocol

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Background: Integrating behavioral health services into pediatric primary care can improve access to care, especially for children marginalized by poverty and racial/ethnic minority status. In primary care, a common presenting concern is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Services in primary care for marginalized children with ADHD typically include medication alone; therapy to improve skills and build relationships is less available. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention offered through primary care for marginalized families coping with ADHD (Partnering to Achieve School Success, PASS) compared to treatment as usual (TAU).

Method: Three hundred participants will be randomly assigned to PASS or TAU. Participants include children ages 5 to 11 who have ADHD and are from economically marginalized families. PASS is a personalized, enhanced behavioral intervention that includes evidence-based behavior therapy strategies and enhancements to promote family engagement, increase caregiver distress tolerance, and provide team-based care to improve academic and behavioral functioning. TAU includes services offered by primary care providers and referral for integrated behavioral health or community mental health services. Outcomes will be assessed at mid-treatment (8 weeks after baseline), post-treatment (16 weeks), and follow-up (32 weeks) using parent- and teacher-report measures of service use, child academic, behavioral, and social functioning, parenting practices, family empowerment, and team-based care. Mixed effects models will examine between-group differences at post-treatment and follow-up. Analyses will examine the mediating role of parenting practices, family empowerment, and team-based care. Subgroup analyses will examine differential effects of intervention by child clinical characteristics and socioeconomic factors.

Discussion: This study is unique in targeting a population of children with ADHD marginalized by low socioeconomic resources and examining an intervention designed to address the challenges of families coping with chronic stress related to poverty.



Mautone JA, Holdaway A, Chan W, Michel JJ, Guevara JP, Davis A, Desrochers C, Evans E, Gajary Z, Leavy S, Rios D, Tremont KL, Cacia J, Schwartz BS, Jawad AF, Power TJ