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Novel Technologies for Neonatal Care: The Case of Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasonography

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The introduction of a new technology into clinical practice is a slow process that includes research, training practitioners, and assessing its gradual diffusion into practice. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is currently 1 such technology in neonatology. Historically, in pediatrics, ultrasound use has been limited to cardiologists and radiologists. More recently, other pediatric acute care disciplines including pediatric critical care, emergency medicine, anesthesiology, and neonatology have used bedside ultrasound with increasing frequency in procedural and diagnostic applications. The value of POCUS for interventional applications and real-time longitudinal physiologic assessment of sick neonates has been recognized for many years. Despite these benefits, a recent survey revealed that less than one-third of the US Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine programs use bedside ultrasound for diagnostic and management decisions. 



Fraga MV, Stroller JZ, Lorch SA