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Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Person-centered Care in Fetal Care Centers

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 Fetal care centers (FCCs) in the U.S. lack a standardized instrument to measure person-centered care. This study aimed to develop and validate the Person-Centered Care in Fetal Care Centers (PCC-FCC) Scale. Initial items were developed based on literature and input from clinicians and former patients. A Delphi study involving 16 experts was conducted to validate the content and construct. Through three rounds of online questionnaires using open-ended questions and Likert scales, consensus on item clarity and relevancy was established. The resulting items were then piloted with former fetal care center patients via a web-based survey. The instrument's reliability and validity were validated using Cronbach's α and exploratory factor analysis, respectively. Concurrent validity was assessed by comparing scores with the Revised Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC-R) Questionnaire. 258 participants completed the 48-item pilot PCC-FCC survey, categorized into six domains. Factor analysis yielded a 2-factor, 28-item scale. Internal consistency of the final scale had good reliability (α=0.969). Data supported content, construct, and concurrent validity. The PCC-FCC Scale is a reliable and valid measure of person-centered care in U.S. FCCs. It can be used to enhance services and begin connecting person-centered care to maternal-child health outcomes.


Wilpers A, White M, Austin MT, Bahtiyar MO, Francis K, Emery SP, Wall D, Somers L, Wool C