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Concordance of Adolescent Gender, Race and Ethnicity: Self-report Versus Medical Record Data

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Adolescents and young adults (AYA) frequently use emergency departments (EDs) for care; utilization is even higher for transgender and nonbinary patients. Failure to accurately document demographics may result in delivery of non–patient-centered care and render certain minoritized populations invisible, making it more challenging to uncover and address health inequities. We compared concordance between self-reported confidential survey and electronic health record (EHR)-recorded demographic data in AYA who completed a tablet-based sexual health survey (SHS) in the ED.



Cruz AT, Palmer CA, Augustine EM, Casper TC, Dowshen N, Elsholz CL, Mollen CJ, Pickett ML, Schmidt SK, Stukus KS, Goyal MK, Reed JL