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New Speakers Announced for PolicyLab Forum 2022!

Don’t miss out! PolicyLab is partnering with AcademyHealth to host an exciting forum this spring under the theme, “Bridging New Partnerships, Creating Change,” which will convene leaders in children’s health from the Pennsylvania region and Washington D.C., for a local and national look at how we can bridge research, policy, and practice to address the most pressing issues facing youth and their families.

The event will be held in-person May 9-10, 2022, at the world-renowned Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, and is intended to propel forward innovative solutions for important topics such as increasing youth behavioral health access, aiding schools in COVID-19 recovery, addressing social needs in pediatric settings, supporting caregivers with substance use disorder, and much more. 

We are excited to share a few of the newly announced leaders in children’s health who will be speaking at the forum:

  • Jessica Altman, MPP, insurance commissioner of Pennsylvania Insurance Department
  • Rodney Whitlock, PhD, vice president of McDermott+ Consulting
  • Kyra Johnson-Trammell, EdD, superintendent of Oakland Unified School District 
  • & more!

Find more details here, and be sure to register today! Early bird pricing ends Feb. 15, 2022.

You can also follow the hashtag #PolicyLabForum2022 on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates.