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This article reviews the challenges health care systems face as they attempt to improve health care outcomes for children in foster care. It discusses several of the promising health care strategies occurring outside the perimeter of child welfare and identifies some of the key…
OBJECTIVE: To determine availability of and test whether on-site mental health providers (MHP) is associated with greater odds of reported mental health consultation and referral among primary care pediatricians. METHODS: Pediatricians were identified from the American Medical…
Asthma is the most common chronic illness of childhood and leading cause of pediatric hospitalization. Patient/parent adherence rates to medications and home-management recommendations are low. The provision of incentives for adherence to parents has had limited consideration. The…
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the proportion of emergency medicine physicians who had prescribed emergency contraception pills to adolescents, to identify potential barriers to emergency contraception pill prescription for adolescents, and to assess…
OBJECTIVE: The goal was to describe the utility of skeletal surveys and factors associated with both skeletal survey use and referral to child protective services for infants with skull fractures in the absence of significant intracranial injury. METHODS: A retrospective chart review…
OBJECTIVE: We identified maternal, provider, and community predictors among infants for late initiation of immunizations. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study of infants born between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2004, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Primary outcomes…
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate lower extremity neuromotor function (LENF) and short-term ambulatory potential following fetal myelomeningocele (fMMC) closure. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of 54 children that underwent fMMC closure at our institution prior to the NIHCD-MOMS trial…
In the United States, an estimated 88,000 youth are released from juvenile detention facilities each year. Youth exiting the juvenile detention system suffer from high rates of health risk behaviors and a disproportionate share of morbidity and mortality. These youth often lack access…
We surveyed 105 pediatric clinicians following Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine licensure to identify factors associated with intention to recommend the vaccine to 11- to 12-year-old girls. Pediatricians who were early adopters of medical technologies had fewer concerns about HPV…
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this work was to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of urban, minority adolescent girls about intention to use emergency contraception pills and to identify barriers to emergency contraception pill use. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted…