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OBJECTIVES: To test effects of a social media-based parenting program for mothers with postpartum depressive symptoms. METHODS: We conducted a randomized controlled trial from December 2019 to August 2021 of a parenting program using Facebook. Women with mild-to-moderate depressive…
In this retrospective cohort study using data from an integrated primary care and subspecialty network, we examined medical records of children seen in primary care at eligible autism spectrum disorder (ASD) screening ages and followed through at least 4 years of age. We examined the…
Adolescent mental health concerns increased during COVID-19, but it is unknown whether early increases in depression and suicide risk have been sustained. We examined changes in positive screens for depression and suicide risk in a large pediatric primary care network through May 2022…
Depression and anxiety frequently co-occur and share several risk factors. There is some evidence for transdiagnostic effects of prevention programs on depression and anxiety. In the Personalized Depression Prevention (PDP) study, youth (n = 98, Mage = 13.94 years, SD = 1.67) were…
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on screening for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and screening equity among eligible children presenting for well-child care in a large primary care pediatric network, we compared rates of ASD screening completion and…
Many families of children with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) do not initiate evidence-based treatments (EBTs), placing these children at risk for poor outcomes. Bootcamp for ADHD (BC-ADHD) is a novel, four-session, group intervention designed to prepare parents as…
View the study here.Background: To meet patient needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, >90% of academic developmental-behavioral pediatric (DBP) practices expanded telehealth use, including video evaluations of young children with possible autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Little is…
Limited research has simultaneously focused on sociodemographic differences in who receives recommended adolescent depression screening in primary care and who endorses elevated depression and suicide risk on these screeners. We describe screening and risk rates in a large pediatric…
Telehealth has long held promise as a way to increase access to subspecialty care for children and families, including in developmental and behavioral pediatrics (DBP). The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic necessitated rapid uptake of telehealth to continue care delivery…
We sought to aggregate common barriers and facilitators to screening adolescents for sensitive health topics (e.g., depression, chlamydia) in primary care, as well as those that are unique to a given health topic. We conducted a literature search of three databases (PsycInfo, MEDLINE,…