A new PolicyLab study found that parents with plans from their employer are increasingly opting for public health insurance-such as Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program-for their kids.
PolicyLab's Dr. Kristen Feemster explains why whooping cough has had a resurgence despite dramatically reducing the number of deaths each year.
CHOP President and Chief Executive Officer Madeline Bell discusses new PolicyLab research that shines a light on the urgent need to ensure Medicaid and CHIP continue to provide vital, affordable coverage to children in…
PolicyLab's Dr. Hallam Hurt discusses the history and reasoning behind substance abuse treatment programs in the Philadelphia area where women can live with their children as they recover from addiction.
A new PolicyLab study found that parents with plans from their employer are increasingly opting for public health insurance-such as Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program-for their kids.
Lower income parents who have health insurance through their employers are increasingly likely to forgo family coverage and enroll their kids in Medicaid or CHIP instead, a new PolicyLab study found.
A PolicyLab study found that between 2004-2007, one in five U.S. Army soldiers’ children who received a medical diagnosis of child abuse or neglect had a corresponding report substantiated by the U.S. Army Family Advocacy…
It will serve us well to remember that these are real children, and the White House’s current policies will do real harm. America will be better served if we treat children with dignity and respect.
With the Trump Administration in office, talk of changes to healthcare are intensifying. And yet, children’s health coverage has been missing from this conversation.
Through his research at PolicyLab, Dr. Jenssen is developing clinical support tools to help providers deliver tobacco cessation services to parents when they bring their child to the pediatrician’s office.
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