RT @CVPatCHOP: A new joint issue brief from @PolicyLabCHOP details challenges to successful partnerships between #IntimatePartnerViolence a…
1 year 6 months agoOur experts often have a front row seat to the impacts STIs can have on teens.
In @PhillyInquirer, they spotlight… https://t.co/5PsLJP3QWq
1 year 6 months agoNEW BRIEF & BLOG POST: Our team interviewed 16 parents of children with #medicalcomplexity to better understand the… https://t.co/sjiCYuUvFp
1 year 7 months ago#PTSD affects nearly 1 in 10 resettled #refugee adults in the U.S.
To ensure that kids in these families have bett… https://t.co/T3DGUw5lT8
1 year 7 months agoTobacco use almost always starts in childhood or adolescence.
Dr. Brian Jenssen shares 3 pediatric-focused policy… https://t.co/W5dIBof4AX
1 year 7 months ago“It’s an issue between adults; it’s most certainly also a family and a children’s and a community issue.”
LISTEN:… https://t.co/3OTl6IA5wt
1 year 7 months agoRT @CHOP_Research: .@PolicyLabCHOP's Community Partnerships in Research Program supports #healthequity-focused projects by community-academ…
1 year 7 months agoHow did the #pandemic impact mothers and babies in Philadelphia?
Dr. Wanjiku Njoroge shares about her project exa… https://t.co/hgM6PX0ghP
1 year 7 months agoBig thank you to Drs. Daria Murosko and Marita Cooper for sharing their research today as part of our Affiliate Tra… https://t.co/ykneh12qHv
1 year 7 months agoEvery person in need of naloxone should be able to receive it free of charge—including our kids.
NEW: 5 recommenda… https://t.co/lYVKBmChSC
1 year 7 months ago#IntimatePartnerViolence (IPV) has significant physical and psychological impacts for survivors and their children.… https://t.co/cJUI8OQIHi
1 year 7 months agoComing soon 👀 https://t.co/4G0Stc3UG0
1 year 7 months ago“It’s an issue between adults; it’s most certainly also a family and a children’s and a community issue.”
LISTEN:… https://t.co/auwhT2TpxC
1 year 7 months ago#Opioids are the most common substance contributing to child death by poisoning.
The latest post in our series abo… https://t.co/WKrgefuREv
1 year 7 months agoWith its roots in a research project, our latest issue brief shares recommendations for policymakers, payers and se… https://t.co/d5GENKoqHW
1 year 7 months ago📣 Calling all @ChildrensPhila researchers
PolicyLab is looking for the next cohort of applicants for our Communit… https://t.co/1vusXz8ZS6
1 year 7 months ago.@ChildrensPhila clinical and research teams work together to advance health equity so that all children can access… https://t.co/FWbQRvPMVI
1 year 7 months ago📖 #Reading aloud with young children is one of the most effective ways for caregivers to boost early brain developm… https://t.co/0krue2UhdV
1 year 7 months agoAddressing #IntimatePartnerViolence requires a comprehensive approach—and it's unrealistic for a single organizatio… https://t.co/EjZxSkbCnW
1 year 7 months ago#Paidtimeoff is especially important for parents of children with medical complexity.
Our experts detail how fede… https://t.co/MX0harUtSw
1 year 7 months agoCheck out our latest Publications View Publications