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BACKGROUND: Despite national recommendations, as of 2009 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates were low with < 30% of adolescent girls fully vaccinated. Research on barriers to vaccination has focused separately on parents, adolescents, or clinicians and not on the decision…
BACKGROUND: Despite national recommendations, as of 2009 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates were low with < 30% of adolescent girls fully vaccinated. Research on barriers to vaccination has focused separately on parents, adolescents, or clinicians and not on the decision…
BACKGROUND: Early school success is clearly related to later health. A prediction index that uses parent report to assess children's risk for poor academic achievement could potentially direct targeted service delivery to improve child outcomes. METHODS: We obtained risk factors…
Health care received by patients in the United States is of inadequate quality. As part of the federal response to this major shortcoming, ensuring high-quality health care is a central theme throughout the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) signed into law in 2010.The…
BACKGROUND: Performance of specialty referrals is coming under scrutiny, but a lack of identifiable measures impedes measurement efforts. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature to identify published measures that assess specialty referrals. METHODS:…
OBJECTIVE: To study preschool functional status in children following fetal myelomeningocele (fMMC) surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prior to the NICHD-MOMS trial, 30 fMMC underwent standardized neurodevelopmental examination at 5 years of age. Functional status was determined with the…
OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of physician-documented sexual histories in female adolescents who presented to an emergency department (ED) with symptoms suggestive of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Our secondary objectives were to determine if physician-documented…
In the spring of 2009, the first patients infected with 2009 H1N1 virus were arriving for care in hospitals in the United States. Anticipating a second wave of infection, our hospital leaders initiated multidisciplinary planning activities to prepare to increase capacity by expansion…
OBJECTIVES: The objective was to describe knowledge, attitudes, and experiences regarding emergency contraception (EC) among pediatric emergency health care providers (HCPs). METHODS: This multicenter, focus group study elicited thoughts and experiences from pediatric emergency HCPs…
OBJECTIVE: To examine vitamin D levels in children with (1) suspected abusive and accidental fractures, (2) single and multiple fractures, and (3) fracture types highly associated with inflicted trauma. DESIGN AND METHODS: A study of children younger than 2 years of age with…