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Behavioral and Health Outcomes for HIV+ Young Transgender Women (YTW) Linked To and Engaged in Medical Care

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ABSTRACT: We describe health and psychosocial outcomes of HIV+ young transgender women (YTW) engaged in care across the United States. When compared to other behaviorally infected youth (BIY), YTW reported higher rates of unemployment (25% vs. 19%), limited educational achievement (42% vs 13%), and suboptimal ART adherence (51% vs. 30%). There was no difference in likelihood of having a detectable viral load (38% vs. 39%) between groups. However, particular isolating psychosocial factors (unstable housing, depression, and lack of social support for attending appointments) increased predicted probability of viral detection to a greater extent among YTW that may have important health implications for this marginalized youth population.



Dowshen N, Matone M, Luan X, Lee S, Belzer M, Fernandez MI, Rubin D, and The Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions