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Upcoming PolicyLab Webinar: Ending Suspension and Expulsion in Child Care Settings

We're partnering with the Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) to produce a live webinar examining the issue of suspension and expulsion in pre-kindergarten and child care centers. While often thought of as a problem for older children, Philadelphia, and communities across the country, are experiencing high rates of one- to three-year-olds being suspended or expelled from early childhood settings. In this webinar, PolicyLab's Senior Psychologist Marsha Gerdes, PhD, and PHMC's Managing Director of Early Childhood Education Natalie Renew, MPA, will examine:

  • the impact this can have on the health and development of a young child,
  • successes and barriers to developing sustainable teacher training services that address behavioral challenges in young children, and
  • policy approaches that enable child care centers to address the high rates of preschool explusions and suspensions through parent and teacher training.

Please click here to register and learn more information.